Samples - Shelter Management module
The sample screen shots are extensive. Therefore they are split
up into multiple web pages to keep the content manageable. Click through
the links below to see the other samples.
The Shelter Module - Shelter Case View
This is a sample of a case view. In Shelter Pro, each animal that enters
the shelter should be linked to it's own case (or impound). The first tab is the
Case Details. This shows the primary information about a case record including:
- Initial intake information (such as unwanted, ACO pickup on 12/19/2005,
owner at intake, etc).
- Brief description of the animal (Dog, Airedale Terrier, male, etc).
- Current status (Adopted, Holding, Adoption Available, etc).
- Disposition (Adopted, Returned to Owner, Euthanized, etc).

The next tab shows further
details about the animal. Notice there are multiple tabs including:
Animal profile - where you can
view/edit an animal's descriptive information
Animal Event History - where you
can view/access other events this animal has been involved with.
Medical History - where you can
view/access the animal's complete medical history.
ID and Vaccination records -
where you can view the animal's ID and Vaccination history.

The next tab shows the Medical
items which were performed with the Case. In this sample we can see the animal
was tested negative for Rabies and Earmites, was vaccinated for Rabies, and was
sterilized (spay/neuter), examined, and groomed.

The next tab shows the Lost
Animal Report and Wish List Request matches. When an animal is linked to a case,
Shelter Pro will automatically compare the animal's description against the Lost
Animal Reports and Wish List Requests, and matches will be shown here. This will
help your shelter to find owners and possible homes for impounded animals. From
this screen, the View record button can be clicked to see further details of
either a Lost Report or a Wish List Request.

The next tab shows the Charges which
were posted with this case. Notice the Owner At Intake (Jane Doe) was
charged an intake fee, and Bonnie Smith was charged an Adoption fee. You will also
notice the Deemed Paid column is showing each of the charges has been

Case File Cabinet
The Case File Cabinet is used to
search and retrieve currently open or closed case records. Notice there are
several ways to locate a case record including Case ID, Kennel ID, Incident ID,
Pet Name, Animal Number, Current Status, Species. Further, records can be
limited to date ranges such as Intake date, Disposition date, or Evaluation Due
The lower portion of the screen shows
the search results. In this case, our results located 15 records. You can see
brief descriptions of each record. To view a record, simply highlight the record
and click View record. This would cause the record's Case View to be

Case forms
The Case Forms is shown when the
Print Forms button is clicked. The menu of Case forms available for printing
would show. Simply select which you want, and click Print (or

Case Reports
The menu of Case Reports
available for printing is shown below. Simply select which you want, and click
Print (or Preview).
Date Range reports are date
sensitive. In other words, a date range is required to select the records which
will be included in the report.
Status reports are not date
sensitive. In other words, a date range is not required.
Notice the Sort and Page Break options. These
allow you to select how the report(s) will be sorted and grouped. A simple
example would be selecting the Intake Register, and choosing to Sort by Case ID,
and to Group and Page Break by Precinct, then by Species. This would produce a report which would show Case Intakes,
paged by Precinct, paged by Species,
with separate counts and totals for each Precinct/Species combination in the report. The
detailed records within each Precinct/Species group would be sorted by Case

Website Uploads
Shelter Pro supports automatic
data uploads to popular websites. A complete refresh of your sheltered
pets (adoptable pets and held strays) each time an upload is completed. Better
yet - you can fully automate the uploads so they run automatically at scheduled

Lost Animal reports
A sample of a Lost Animal Report
is shown below.
The top portion of the screen
shows the details of the lost animal, including the owner to contact and the
animal's description. The lower portion of the screen shows possible matches
within the shelter's open and closed cases.

Wish list request
A sample of a Wish List Request
is shown below.