Samples - Animal Control
The sample screen shots are extensive. Therefore they are split
up into multiple web pages to keep the content manageable. Click through
the links below to see the other samples.
The Animal Control Module - Incident View
This is a sample of an Incident view. In Shelter Pro, each animal
control service request is stored as an incident. The first tab is the Overview. This shows the primary information about an
incident including:
- Initial collected information (such as ID assigned, date/time of call,
Precinct, Location, reason(s), citizen who called, Notes, etc).
- ACO dispatched and dispatch time and priority.
- Final outcome and notes.

The next tab shows the animal owner's event history. Remember from the
overview tab, Jane Doe was specified as the Owner at Origination, so this tab
will show Jane Doe's event history. You can see that Jane has been involved with
3 different shelter cases, and this current animal control incident.

The next tab shows the animals currently owned by Jane Doe. Remember from the
overview tab, Jane Doe was specified as the Owner at Origination, so this tab
will show Jane Doe's animals.

The next tab shows the animal involved with the incident. Remember from the
overview tab, Jane Doe was specified as the Owner at Origination. You can see
that Jane's dog Spot must have gone stray, which resulted in this animal control
incident. We can also see that Bonnie Smith is now the current owner of Spot,
indicating ownership was changed from Jane Doe to Bonnie Smith at some point in

The next tab lists other incidents that have
occurred at or near the current incident's reported location. These may or may
not be pertinent to this incident, but this lets you know that there may be
other occurrences.

The next tab shows any citations which are written as a
result of this incident. You can see that Bonnie Smith was given a citation for
allowing an animal to go stray.

The next tab shows any charges which are posted as a
result of this incident. Charges are not common with animal control incidents
(they are common with citations). However, if your organization does
chargebacks for animal control services performed, they would be listed

The Animal Control Module - Citation View
This is a sample of a Citation View. The first tab is the Overview. This shows the primary information about
a citation including:
- Citation ID, date written, precinct, ACO, offense date/time, offense
reason(s), and the officer's notes.
- The person cited, citation amount ($50.00 in the example), and the current
balance owed by this person.
The next tab shows the animal owner's event history. Remember from the
overview tab, Bonnie Smith received this citation, so this tab
will show Bonnie Smith's event history. You can see that Bonnie has been involved with
a shelter case, and this current animal control citation.

The next tab shows the animal(s) owned by Bonnie. Remember from the
overview tab, Bonnie Smith received this citation, so this tab
will show Bonnie Smith's animals. You can see that Bonnie is only known to have
1 animal at this point in time.

The next tab shows the animal involved with the citation.
Note that it is not necessary to link an animal to a citation. This shows that
this citation was written for an offense involving Bonnie's dog Spot.

The next tab shows the charges associated with this
citation. You can see that Bonnie was fined $50.00 for this violation, and the
$50.00 is considered paid.