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Screen Samples - Animal Identification and compliance

The sample screen shots are extensive. Therefore they are split up into multiple web pages to keep the content manageable.  Click through the links below to see the other samples.

Common screens Shelter Animal Control Animal IDs Accounting

This module includes support for Licensing, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Registration.

License  View

This is a sample of a License View. The first tab is the License Details. This shows the primary information about an issued license including:

  1. Current status (Current, Expired, Historical, etc). 
  2. License type (Shelter Pro supports all license types, they simply need to be defined to your needs through the Customizations features in Shelter Pro). 
  3. License ID, effective and expiration dates, Precinct, Issuer, staff member. 
  4. Date the first renewal notice was printed (Shelter Pro supports batch printing of renewal notices for batch mailings). 
  5. Date the last renewal reminder notice was printed. 
  6. The current owner of the animal, and any balance due. 
  7. The owner when this license was issued, the charges for the license issue, and any balance due. Note that this owner can be different than the current owner as ownership can change when an animal is adopted or becomes another citizen's pet. 

Notice that Shelter Pro captures information about the animal at the time the license is issued, such as size, sterilized, dangerous, bites, and if the owner is a senior or disabled citizen. This is done as Shelter Pro can vary your license charges by these items if necessary. 

The bottom portion of the screen shows this animal's license history. 

The Charges tab would list the charges associated with issuing this license. 


Vaccination  View

This is a sample of a Vaccination View. The first tab is the Vaccination Details. This shows the primary information about a vaccination including:

  1. Current status (Current, Expired, Historical, etc). 
  2. Vaccination type (Shelter Pro supports all vaccination types, they simply need to be defined to your needs through the Customizations features in Shelter Pro). 
  3. Vaccination ID, effective and expiration dates, Precinct, Issuer, staff member. 
  4. Date the first reminder notice was printed (Shelter Pro supports batch printing of reminder notices for batch mailings). 
  5. Date the last reminder notice was printed. 
  6. The current owner of the animal, and any balance due. 
  7. The owner when this vaccination was performed, the charges for the vaccination, and any balance due. Note that this owner can be different than the current owner as ownership can change when an animal is adopted or becomes another citizen's pet.  

The bottom portion of the screen shows this animal's vaccination history. 

The Charges tab would list the charges associated with this vaccination. 


Microchip View

This is a sample of a Microchip View. The first tab is the Microchip Details. This shows the primary information about a microchip including:

  1. Current status (Current, Expired, Historical, etc). 
  2. Microchip type (Shelter Pro supports all vaccination types, they simply need to be defined to your needs through the Customizations features in Shelter Pro). 
  3. Microchip ID, effective and expiration dates, Precinct, Issuer, staff member. 
  4. The current owner of the animal, and any balance due. 
  5. The owner when this microchip was implanted, the charges for the implant, and any balance due. Note that this owner can be different than the current owner as ownership can change when an animal is adopted or becomes another citizen's pet.  

The bottom portion of the screen shows this animal's microchip history. 

The Charges tab would list the charges associated with this microchip. 


Registration View

This is a sample of a Registration View. The first tab is the Registration Details. This shows the primary information about a registration including:

  1. Current status (Current, Expired, Historical, etc). 
  2. Registration type (Shelter Pro supports all registration types, they simply need to be defined to your needs through the Customizations features in Shelter Pro). 
  3. Registration ID, effective and expiration dates, Precinct, Issuer, staff member. 
  4. Date the first renewal notice was printed (Shelter Pro supports batch printing of renewal notices for batch mailings). 
  5. Date the last reminder notice was printed. 
  6. The current owner of the animal, and any balance due. 
  7. The owner when this registration was issued, the charges for the registration, and any balance due. Note that this owner can be different than the current owner as ownership can change when an animal is adopted or becomes another citizen's pet.  

The bottom portion of the screen shows this animal's registration history. 

The Charges tab would list the charges associated with this registration. 

Home Common screens Shelter Animal Control Animal IDs Accounting




Contact info:

RoseRush Services, LLC

P.O. Box 2006

Buena Vista, CO 81211

Phone 800.533.8599

Email: Info@ShelterPro.com