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Screen Samples - screens shared by all Shelter Pro modules

The sample screen shots are extensive. Therefore they are split up into multiple web pages to keep the content manageable.  Click through the links below to see the samples. 

Common screens Shelter Animal Control Animal IDs Accounting

The Animal Database

This is a sample of the Animal Database view. Notice you can quickly search the animal database from this screen, and view an animal's profile. You can also edit an animal's record, delete an animal's record, or create a new animal record. 

The next tab shows the animal's event history. You can see this animal was impounded (case) on 12/19/2005, and adopted on 12/26/2005. You can see there was an animal control incident on 9/11/2005 in which this animal was involved. There is also a citation which written against the owner for this animal being stray. If needed, you can click View Record to see the detail behind any of these. 

The next tab shows the animal's medical history. You can see on 10/08/2007, this animal was tested negative for Rabies and Earmites, and was vaccinated for rabies, and was groomed, examined, and spay/neutered. If needed, you can click View Record to see the detail behind any of these. 

The next tab shows the animal's identification and vaccination history. You can see the animal has a current microchip, registration, and vaccination, however the license is expired. You can also see an historic vaccination record. If needed, you can click View Record to see the detail behind any of these. 

This is a sample of a License record view. The top portion of the view is a license record. The lower portion of the view is the complete license history for the animal. The Charges tab would show the fee(s) associated with the License record and payment status. 

This is a sample of a Vaccination record view. The top portion of the view is a vaccination record. The lower portion of the view is the complete vaccination history for the animal. The Charges tab would show the fee(s) associated with the Vaccination record and payment status. 


The Person Database (person view)

This is a sample of the Person Database view. Notice you can quickly search the person database from this screen, and view a person's profile. You can also edit a person's record, delete a person's record, or create a new person record. 

The next tab shows the person's event history. You can see this person adopted an animal on 12/26/2005. You can also see this person received a citation for a stray animal on 9/10/2005. If needed, you can click View Record to see the detail behind any of these. 

The next tab shows the animals currently owned by this person. You can see this person owns a male dog named Spot. Spot is a purebred Airedale Terrier who has been sterilized. The most recent animal ids are also shown. The View Record button would show the Animal Database view for Spot, or any other selected record on this screen. 

The next tab shows the person's accounting (charges and payments) history. This person has had 4 charges posted, and 1 payment, and has a net balance due of $0.00. The balance column would show any charge which still has a balance due. 

This sample is what you see when the Print Forms button is clicked. The menu of forms available for printing would show. Simply select the desired form(s) and click Print or Preview. 

Home Common screens Shelter Animal Control Animal IDs Accounting





Contact info:

RoseRush Services, LLC

P.O. Box 2006

Buena Vista, CO 81211

Phone 800.533.8599

Email: Info@ShelterPro.com