Non-SQL Server vs. SQL Server, what's the difference? Shelter Pro is available under two options - 1) Without SQL Server - Shelter Pro provides it's own "database engine" or;
2) With SQL Server - SQL Server provides the "database engine".
the software is identical under both options. The primary difference is the
software operates more efficiently under heavier user loads using SQL Server as
the database engine.
Some general guidelines... Generally speaking, smaller organizations with four or fewer users will find the 'without SQL Server' option will be more affordable and will deliver very high performance. This would typically include County and City Governments and Municipalities, smaller SPCAs, Humane Societies, and Animal Control divisions including small police departments with animal control enforcement needs.
organizations should consider the SQL Server option.
This would typically include County and City Governments and Municipalities,
larger SPCAs, Humane Societies, Animal Control organizations including larger
police departments with animal control enforcement needs. While the SQL Server
option cost is higher, the productivity gains and other factors will typically
outweigh the additional costs. Can you be more specific? A primary consideration factor is the number of users who will be running Shelter Pro. As a general rule:
A second consideration is IT Standards:
A third consideration is Integration:
Summary of pricing differences This tables summarizes the differences between the two options.
Other questions... Feel free to call or email us with
other technical questions which may not be covered above.
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