Frequently asked questions with new releases. Q1) There is no longer a License View selection under Animal Control. Where do I access my License records when working with an animal? A1) To access an animal's identification records (license, vaccinations, microchips, registration), you should first find the animal on the animal database. You will notice 4 buttons which are used to access the animal's identification(s). Simply click any of the buttons to access the License View, Vaccination View, Registration View, or Microchip View. On these view screens, you will be able to perform familiar functions like New, Save, and Delete. Also, you can access these views from the Animal Identification and Vaccination File Cabinet when searching for groups of id/vacc records. Here's a screen sample, notice the "License-exp", "Vacc-exp", "Microchip" and "Registered" button in the middle of this screen.
Q2) Is the user's guide updated? A2) Yes. You can print out a new user's manual by clicking here -> Shelter Pro User's Guide.
Q3) There are Diagnostics test, Medications/Vaccines, and Services we perform, but they are not listed on the Medical view. Can I add them? A3) Yes. Select CUSTOMIZE/DROPDOWN VALUES. Modify DIAG_TEST_TYPE, MEDICATION_REASON, and/or MEDICAL_SERVICE as appropriate. On the Medical view, you can then click the 'Add' button next to the list box to add your customized items.
Q4) I'm no longer seeing fees on my case intake and disposition registers. Where did the fees go? A4) A new set of reports is now available. You can access these in the Charge Reports under Accounting from the main menu. This new approach was adopted simply to make charge reporting easier by keeping all charges consolidated and reported on one set of reports (as opposed to intake fees being reported on the Intake Register, and disposition fees being reported on the disposition register).
Q5) I don't see anyone listed in License Issuer, Rabies Issuer, Veterinarian dropdowns, etc. When I go to dropdown values, I don't see an indicator to add these. A5) These are not setup using dropdown values. Go the Person Database, find the person/entity (or add them). Be sure to click the 'Rabies Issuer' box, or 'Veterinarian' box, etc. This will cause these to be available in the new dropdown boxes.